The Fos Tonkin LNG terminal

Inaugurated in 1972, the Fos Tonkin terminal, one of three LNG carrier terminals operated by Elengy, constitutes a genuine multi-modal platform in the western Mediterranean basin.

Filaire / Fons tonquin

About Fos Tonkin

The Fos Tonkin terminal has significant advantages allowing it to provide various retail LNG services to its clients: rail, road, waterways, marine. In addition to the unloading of LNG carriers and the loading of LNG tanker trucks, the terminal now offers a small-scale LNG carrier reloading service in keeping with the requirements of development of LNG as a fuel for the marine sector, a vector for decarbonisation.
Furthermore the Fos Tonkin terminal is ideally located to supply LNG to a large number of western Mediterranean ports and islands.

This site provides the market with optimum flexibility for unloading or loading all types of LNG carriers, loading LNG tanker trucks and the regasification of LNG to introduce it into the transport network.

The Fos Tonkin LNG carrier terminal on figures

  • Commissioned in 1972
  • Regasification capacity to date: 18 TWh per year (fully subscribed)
  • LNG storage capacity:  80 000 m3
  • 1 berth suitable for LNG carrier’s with a capacity below 75,000 m3 (Med-Max)
  • Certifications: Quality: ISO 9001- Environment: ISO 14001
Montoir-de-BretagneFos TonkinFos Cavaou
From 65 000 (Medmax) to 267 000 (Q-Max)From 7 500 to 75 000 (Medmax)From 5 000 to 267 000 (Q-Max)


In m³ LNG

The Fos Tonkin offers

Elengy guarantees a reliable, diversified and flexible services offering at its Fos Cavaou LNG carrier terminal. Our site is not affected by tides thus allowing it to receive Medmax LNG carriers transporting up to 75,000m3 of LNG 24 hours a day. This thereby contributes to the growth in new LNG uses, which in turn contributes to accelerating the energy transition.

Unloading and send-out
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LNG reloading
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Small-scale LNG vessel loading
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LNG tanker truck loading
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Primary capacities

The monthly LNG reception capacities of each of the Fos-sur-Mer and Montoir-de-Bretagne LNG terminals are published on this site month by month, over a calendar year.

Find out more about Primary capacities

LNG Terminal capacities

The LNG carrier schedule of each of the Fos-sur-Mer and Montoir-de-Bretagne terminals is published on this site for the current year.

Current operations schedule (Fos Tonkin)
Download the document (0.06 Mo)

Works schedule

Safety is a constant priority for the operations undertaken at our terminals.   

Therefore, to maintain a high level of reliability at our facilities, maintenance works are undertaken each year. 

Find out more about the works and maintenance programme

Maritime procedures

In order to access the Fos Tonkin terminal, all LNG tankers must be approved, in accordance with Annex 2 of the access contract. 

This approval is necessary for LNG tankers coming to the terminal for the first time.

Maritime procedures

Tanker truck loading programme

Today, Elengy offers a range of solutions for the flourishing market in LNG fuel, and more generally road-transported LNG. 

There is a section dedicated to the small-scale LNG within the List of Interested Parties. It includes the names of companies active on our terminals and wishing to have their names published. 

Find out more about our tanker truck loading service

Programme des opérations navires

Le programme d’occupation de l’appontement de chacun des terminaux méthaniers de Fos-sur-Mer et Montoir-de-Bretagne est publié sur ce site pour l’année en cours.

Current operations schedule (Fos Tonkin)
Download the document (0.06 Mo)