Public Consultation launched for the Rhône Decarbonation Project

17 March 2025

From the 24th of March to the 20th of June, 2025, a public consultation will be held for the Rhône Decarbonation project, developped by the companies Vicat, SPSE, Elengy, and RTE.

Organized in accordance with the French Environmental Code, this consultation is supervised by three independent guarantors appointed by the National Commission for Public Debate (CNDP*). Open to all, the consultation aims
to inform the public, address questions, and discuss various aspects of the project, in particular its purpose, implementation, and impacts. Various means of communication and expression will be set up to enable the public
to inform themselves and contribute.
The Rhône Decarbonation project entails the creation a carbon capture, transport, liquefaction, and ship-loading chain for CO2 emissions from the Vicat cement plant located in the Isère municipalities of Montalieu-Vercieu and Bouvesse-Quirieu. The project will use an existing pipeline running along the Rhône Valley and operated by SPSE, leading to a planned liquefaction and ship-loading terminal at the Fos Tonkin site operated by Elengy in Fos-sur-Mer, Bouches-du-Rhône.

To find out more : website dedicated to the consultation (in French only)

Preliminary consultation document (in French only)
Download the document (12.9 Mo)

* This consultation will take place under the supervision of three independent guarantors appointed by the Commission Nationale du Débat Public (CNDP): Xavier Derrien, Hervé Fiquet and Jean-Michel Fourniau, responsible for ensuring that the public is properly informed and involved.

This project is cofinanced by the European Union.


Ce projet est cofinancé par l’Union Européenne

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