Responsible together

We are committed to limiting the environmental impact of our activities and our terminals. We are permanently seeking to reduce our carbon footprint.  We take tangible action to protect the planet and have resolutely chosen sustainable growth.

Filaire / responsable ensemble
Visuel / Synergies

Synergies to protect the environment

For 40 years we have worked closely with other local industrials to reduce the carbon footprint of our activities. This is, for example, the case at our Montoir-de-Bretagne site, which operates in symbiosis with the ENGIE Thermique France power plant: the hot water produced by this plant is recovered by our LNG terminal and used to regasify LNG. This helps to limit the quantities of water pumped from the Loire River as well as the use of regasifying units which emit CO2. 

A cluster benefiting the environment

Visuel / Un groupement

Protecting resources

Elengy takes pride in protecting resources and maintaining the ecosystem in the zones where its three LNG terminals are located.  We undertake studies to examine fauna and flora, seek to develop ecological niches and actively participate in the conservation of species. We deploy alternatives to plant health protection products and work with our stakeholders to improve knowledge and support research.

Professional equality Index

The law of 5 September 2018 "for the freedom to choose one's professional future" introduces an obligation for all companies to achieve results on equal pay for women and men.

The principle adopted is that of the annual calculation of five indicators that reflect the situation of pay gaps between women and men in the company. The results are communicated in the form of an index with a score between 0 and 100 points. This calculation is made each year on the basis of the previous year's data. In the event of inadequate results (index of less than 75 out of 100), the company is required to implement an action plan to improve the situation within three years.

Beyond the law, at Elengy we believe that equality between men and women is a factor for social progress, enriching our teams and contributing to our company's performance. Our actions have enabled us to significantly improve our index.

In 2023, our index score is at 94. We are continuing our efforts to at least maintain this result!

Reference period: 01/01/2023 to 31/12/2023


Number of maximum points

2023 number of points at Elengy 

Indicator 1: Gender pay gap




Indicator 2: Gap between the % of women and men whose basic salary has been increased




Indicator 3: Gap between % of women and men promoted




Indicator 4: % of employees who received an individual or collective pay rise in the year following their return from maternity leave, if such pay rises occurred during their maternity leave.




Indicator 5: Number of employees of the under-represented gender in the top 10 highest earners




Published index  



foret arbres verts

Elengy, résolument tourné vers un monde bas carbone

Pour réussir notre transition énergétique, nous avons défini trois axes stratégiques qui guident nos actions et nos investissements : 

  • Réduire l’empreinte carbone de notre activité et de nos actifs,

  • Accompagner la décarbonation de la mobilité lourde terrestre et maritime,

  • Contribuer à la décarbonation de l’industrie, autour de nos sites.

Ainsi, nous transformons progressivement nos terminaux méthaniers en hubs multiservices de décarbonation.

Nos engagements

En 2021, Elengy a lancé un projet d’entreprise ambitieux intitulé "Réinventer 2025", aligné sur notre mission de « donner accès à des énergies toujours plus sûres et durables et contribuer ainsi à relever les défis environnementaux de la planète ». Ce projet illustre notre engagement envers la responsabilité sociétale. Nos engagements en matière de responsabilité sociale d’entreprise (RSE) sont ancrés dans une politique RSE, mise en œuvre par l’ensemble de nos départements.

Dans notre quête d’amélioration continue, nous éditons annuellement un rapport détaillant nos progrès significatifs en lien avec notre politique RSE. Ce rapport est également le vecteur de communication de notre bilan carbone, témoignant de notre transparence et de notre détermination à réduire notre empreinte écologique.

Les avancements majeurs de la politique RSE d’Elengy en 2023
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