Grand-Ouest CO2

22 November 2023

GOCO2, a large-scale project to capture and transport CO2 from industrial sources, supported by the Pays de la Loire Region and the Grand Port Maritime de Nantes Saint-Nazaire (GPMNSN).

Call for Expression of Interest

Elengy provides industrial companies based in France’s Greater West area with the information they need to respond to its call for expression of interest (CEI) to promote the emergence of the GOCO2 project, a project to capture and transport CO2 from industrial sources with a view to its permanent geological storage (CCS).

The "GOCO2" Call for Expression of Interest  will allow to identify industrial CO2 emitters willing to commit to the development of a CO2 liquefaction and export terminal by 2030 on the existing site of the Montoir-de-Bretagne LNG terminal.

For more information, click here 

The objective of GOCO2  project is to develop an investment programme to capture CO2 on industrial sites and transport it by pipeline to the Montoir-de-Bretagne terminal for permanent geological storage. The estimated capacity is of 2.6 million tonnes per year by 2030. Convinced of the benefits of a collective approach, the partners in the GOCO2 project have jointly undertaken the studies required for this decarbonisation project, which is scheduled for completion by 2030.


GOCO2 represents a concrete and ambitious commitment to accelerate the decarbonisation of industrial sites in Western France, in addition to actions to avoid and reduce CO2 emissions.

A CO2 capture, transport and export project (for permanent geological storage) without equivalent in Western France.

A first step in decarbonising Western France by decarbonising industries, led by 6 regional players.

Infrastructures open to CO2 emitters in the 4 regions of the Grand-Ouest (Nouvelle-Aquitaine, Pays-de-la-Loire, Bretagne, Centre Val-de-Loire) ...

... covering a geographical area of 7.7 million people ...

… and about 450 000 industrial jobs.

A local project

Fully integrated into the local ecosystem, GOCO2 benefits from existing infrastructures located in the Grand Port Maritime Nantes Saint-Nazaire (GPMNSN).
Eventually, it will be able to transport CO2  from other industrial plants in the Grand-Ouest region, or biogenic CO2 from biomethane purification in particular. It will also help to attract new industrial sites to the region by providing access to a decarbonisation infrastructure.

Partners map

Reduction in industrial emissions from 2.6 to 4.0 MtCO2/year.

Capture of a majority of unavoidable emissions that cannot be reduced by other measures.

Decarbonising key industrial activities in the region.

Infrastructure that will eventually enable the development of a Carbon Capture and Usage (CCU) activity.

Start up in 2030



PCI application (EU) with Aramis (NL)



Start of first studies  


Start of feasibility studies


Start of engineering studies


Start of execution works


Launch of GOCO2

CO2 emitters committed to supporting the decarbonisation of their activities

Heidelberg Materials