Ethics & Compliance: What is our policy?
Elengy shares a common base of values and undertakings in terms of ethics and compliance which are at the core of all our strategic decisions, its professional practices and all its activities.

What are Elengy’s values?

A true sense of identity
In continuity with the ENGIE Group’s ethics and Energy Code, we have established stringent Codes of Good Conduct, adopted by all employees.
Strengthened compliance
We are committed to complying with the laws and regulations in force in our sector. Our compliance is reflected in the protection of sensitive client information, non-discrimination applied to all of our activities and the publication of all information regarding the services we provide.
Transparency first and foremost
All information on our activities and services are controlled by our Compliance Officer, who ensures that they are in compliance and up to date before publication.
What does European law state?
European Directive 2003/55/EC of 26 June 2003, also called the “Gaz Directive” defines the rules for the internal European natural gas market. Unanimously adopted by all of the European Union member states, it provides a framework for all of Elengy’s activities and sales practices. Its purpose? “Ensure the free movement of gas and reinforce secure supply and industrial competitiveness in Europe”.
Our codes of good conduct
As a regulated facility operator, Elengy has a Code of Conduct laying down its commitments to its customers. This Code of Conduct is distributed to all employees.
The Fosmax LNG Code of Conduct provides every company employee with a set of common rules to be followed in all dealings with the companies to which the company sells its LNG terminal access services. These rules are designed to protect commercially sensitive information (CSI), ensure that there is no discrimination between customers, and safeguard information transparency and confidentiality.
What are our commitments in terms of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)?
What are our commitments in terms of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)?

Our company project “Reinventing 2025”, places CSR at the heart of our strategy in order to protect the planet, grow sustainably and foster human development for all our employees and stakeholders.
Our Elengy procurement policy
We implement a responsible procurement policy by focusing procurement in the protected sector, by forging relationships of trust with SMEs, by selecting our suppliers according to social and environmental responsibility criteria and by fully controlling our subcontracting activities.
Our values and undertakings

Safety first and foremost
We ensure that all our sites are operated under optimal safety conditions by following an internationally recognised reference since 1998: the International Sustainability Rating System (ISRS©). Today the Montoir-de-Bretagne terminal meets level 6 of the ISRS9©, i.e. one of this rating’s highest levels.
All players in local life
Elengy participates in different types of local initiatives: Local Information and Consultation Committees, associations such as the French National Lifeguards (SNSM), the Fos Olympique Club or the Foundation Agir Contre exclusion (FACE), etc.
Our environmental responsibility
We continue to reduce our ecological footprint at our LNG terminals and for all our activities in the environment’s interest within the framework of industrial partnerships and in consultation with the sector’s stakeholders.